What we do
We aim to provide a good quality, effective, efficient and comprehensive knowledge and library service. We are committed to underpinning the improvement of health and wellbeing, and the delivery of care at Medway NHS Foundation Trust. We will do this by supporting all those involved to use knowledge and resources to improve healthcare quality outcomes in the pursuit of services that are safe, effective and person-centred. We:
Provide a quality assured service delivered by professional, skilled staff
Develop the services we offer by working with and listening to our users.
Work in partnership locally and nationally to provide access to a range of relevant resources, (physical and virtual), that are fit for purpose and provide best value.
Provide the means for our users to develop their skills to effectively and efficiently locate and retrieve the information they require.
Provide a friendly welcome to existing and potential users and offer an environment conducive to study, learning and the sharing of knowledge.
Provide a variety of specialist and general collections.
Can supply books and articles not available locally from other libraries.
Offer an Evidence Search and Summary Service to support your decisions in frontline patient care, management and improvement work. For more information please contact us:
Medway NHS KLS provides access to print and electronic journals, books, boardgames and multimedia resources and services to help all staff and students find and use the best evidence to support patient care, clinical governance, research, education and professional development.
We have access to thousands of journals and hundreds of books, and many evidence resources, covering an extensive subject range from medicine, nursing, management, education, science, and other health- related areas.
We offer article and book request services; literature searching; skills training in evidence searching, critical appraisal and statistics; computer access, free WiFi, and quiet study areas.
You can visit the KLS website for more support, information, and resources.
FacultyFaculty ensure that a safe learning environment is maintained for learners and encourages self-reflection on learning Faculty engage in continuing professional development with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty Faculty are competent in the process of debriefing
ActivitySimulation-based education programmes are developed in alignment with formal curriculum Mapping or learning/training needs The patient perspective is considered and demonstrated within educational planning A faculty member with expertise in SBE oversees the simulation programme Design and ensures that it is regularly peer reviewed via feedback, kept up to date and relevant to the clinical needs and mapped curriculum Regular evaluation of programmes and faculty is undertaken to ensure that Content and relevance is maintained.
AssessmentThe assessment is based on the intended learning outcomes of the exercise, with clarity regarding the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be evaluated and is appropriately tailored to the professional Curricula to be evaluated. Psychological safety of the learner is considered and appropriately supported Faculty have a responsibility for patient safety and to raise concerns regarding learner Performance within educational settings.
In Situ Simulation (ISS)Every ISS exercise has clearly defined learning objectives that achieve individual, team, unit level and/or organisational competencies Local processes and procedures are carefully reviewed to deliver ISS activity authentically Faculty delivering the ISS activity are proficient in SBE and have the required expertise on a given Topic.
ResourcesA variety of simulation based modalities, including simulated patients, is incorporated into simulation based programmes to create appropriate realism of the learning environment and achieve the objectives of the session being taught The facility has a clear strategic plan which addresses wider organisational and stakeholders’ Needs A designated individual oversees the strategic delivery of SBE programmes and ensures that appropriate maintenance of simulation equipment is undertaken
Management, Leadership & Development"A designated lead (Dr Manisha Shah) with organisational influence and accountability manages the simulation activity There is a clear vision and mission statement to demonstrate aims and objectives of the facility There is a clear alignment to the wider organisational and stakeholders’ needs, Acting as a quality and risk management resource for organisations to help achieve the goals

Welcome to the Library
Get in touch
For general enquiries and inter-library loans, please email:
To contact the library enquiry Desk, please call: 01634 833 849
Opening hours
Library Office
Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:00
Book Room
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Journal Room
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Horizon Scan Service
Do you have an improvement idea but would like to see if anyone else has tried it already? You could get a heads up on the benefits, the problems, and the success or otherwise before you start your improvement journey. Avoid pitfalls, find out what worked and what didn’t, get handy tips, and much more!
If you would like us to conduct an Horizon Scan for you, please complete the form here and email it to us.
KnowledgeShare is our targeted current awareness service. For more information on how to use this service see below.
Literature search
Our librarians conduct literature searches in response to requests from clinicians. Priority will be given to searches supporting an urgent clinical need. Please note that we require a
minimum of 10 working days for a full search service.
If you require the full text for articles, please complete the following form:

Medway Knowledge & Library Services brings together knowledge mobilisation and quality improvement, embedding evidence-based practices and knowledge sharing into everyday activities.
Health Education England (HEE) supports the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement by ensuring the workforce has the right skills and training.
Critical appraisal skills enable you to systematically assess the trustworthiness, relevance and results of published papers.